Thursday Jan 16, 2020
Back Pain Exercises - Which other muscles support the spine?
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
There are many muscles that can contribute to spine stability but some are less well known compared to the anterior abdominal wall, and the posterior group of muscles in the back. There are a number of muscles that are unique in contributing to spine health, and stability, as well as muscles that are more familiar to us which are not often considered when discussing spinal stability. So which muscles are they, and what role do they play?
In this episode we introduce 3 different muscle groups that play an important role in spine health and stability. We discuss where these muscles are within the body and just how these individual muscles play their role. We introduce the lumbodorsal fascia, a fibrous tissue that helps connect different muscle groups, and contributes to stability. We highlight the negative impact some of these muscles can have on spine health, and demonstrate the way these muscles can be safely trained to build endurance, and improve our resilience to injury.
For more episodes of the Back Pain Solutions podcast visit: www.smartstrong.co.uk Don’t forget to subscribe so you can receive updates on new episodes and direct links to additional content.
If you’re suffering from back pain, want to improve your posture, or want to build resilience to future injury then you’re in the right place. Join us and take an active approach to better back health.
Contact Us…Website: www.smartstrong.co.uk
Thursday Jan 09, 2020
Back Pain Exercises - The Posterior Muscle Group
Thursday Jan 09, 2020
Thursday Jan 09, 2020
Whilst we need to think of the core muscles as an orchestra, the posterior group of muscles plays an important role in resisting shear movement of the spine, that is the movement of one vertebrae over the top of another anteriorly. It is an important muscle group in relation to back pain, and back health.
Out of all of the muscles that contribute to the core it is the posterior group of muscles that are often neglected when people attend a gym. It is important to start to understand the exercises that can engage these muscles, which allows us to build the foundation for a much stronger back.
Learn how to relax this group of muscles and how you should be training them as part of your rehabilitation program, or injury prevention strategies.
For more episodes of the Back Pain Solutions podcast visit: www.smartstrong.co.uk Don’t forget to subscribe so you can receive updates on new episodes and direct links to additional content.
If you’re suffering from back pain, want to improve your posture, or want to build resilience to future injury then you’re in the right place. Join us and take an active approach to better back health.
Contact Us…Website: www.smartstrong.co.uk
Thursday Jan 02, 2020
Back Pain Exercises - The Anterior Abdominal Wall
Thursday Jan 02, 2020
Thursday Jan 02, 2020
Muscles play an important role in protecting the spine from injury by helping to RESIST movement. In most cases we think of the muscles as contributing to movement; allowing us to walk, run and execute other movements. However, when referring to spine health the muscles should be viewed as a ‘guidewire system’, that when under tension, contribute to stability of the spine by preventing movement. The ‘abs’ are considered a commonly recognised group of muscles but which muscles actually contribute to the anterior abdominal wall, and how important are they?
In this episode we introduce the muscles that make up the anterior abdominal wall and the mistakes people often make when training this muscles group. We demonstrate the importance of these muscles in contributing to spine stability and discuss how many people, as with overall health, fail to do the necessary exercise to build a level of endurance that is required for these muscles to effectively help protect the spine. We also highlight the common mistakes that are being made when people are attempting to train these muscles by highlighting the movements that these muscles can create but which should be avoided.
For more episodes of the Back Pain Solutions podcast visit: www.smartstrong.co.uk Don’t forget to subscribe so you can receive updates on new episodes and direct links to additional content.
If you’re suffering from back pain, want to improve your posture, or want to build resilience to future injury then you’re in the right place. Join us and take an active approach to better back health.
Contact Us…Website: www.smartstrong.co.uk
Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
Back Pain Treatment
Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
Without training the muscles around the spine we do not have the resilience we need to prevent injury. We can’t rely on the passive tissues of the body to keep the spine stable. Without an appreciation for the muscles that contribute to spine stability it will be very challenging for individuals who suffer from back pain to make improvements in the long term.
In this episode we discuss the role of the muscles of the body in contributing to spine stability and why it is so important that we understand the different muscle groups involved. Training these supporting muscles is an under-utilised approach in the management of back pain, in most cases, so if you want to take back control of your back health you need learn to control your muscles.
So which muscles contribute to spine stability, and how should they be safely trained? These are the questions we answer in this episode of the Back Pain Solutions podcast.
For more episodes of the Back Pain Solutions podcast visit: www.smartstrong.co.uk Don’t forget to subscribe so you can receive updates on new episodes and direct links to additional content.
If you’re suffering from back pain, want to improve your posture, or want to build resilience to future injury then you’re in the right place. Join us and take an active approach to better back health.
Contact Us…Website: www.smartstrong.co.uk
Friday Dec 06, 2019
Herniated Disc
Friday Dec 06, 2019
Friday Dec 06, 2019
The intervertebral disc is an important structure that is present between each vertebral body of the spine. There are 23 discs in total throughout the spine and whilst movement potential at each level is
relatively small, the combined potential allows us great freedom to perform many activities. However, it is a structure that must be respected, as it is vulnerable to injury so it is important that we
understand it so we can learn how to protect it.
In this episode we discuss the anatomy of the intervertebral disc and the anatomical variations that can be seen between individuals. We identify the 3 major components to the intervertebral disc: the nucleus pulposus, annulus fibrosis, and the end plates, as well as discussing the key actions that we want to avoid in order to protect it. We also highlight how individual variation can dictate potential vulnerability to injury when performing different activities.
For more episodes of the Back Pain Solutions podcast visit: www.smartstrong.co.uk Don’t forget to subscribe so you can receive updates on new episodes and direct links to additional content.
If you’re suffering from back pain, want to improve your posture, or want to build resilience to future injury then you’re in the right place. Join us and take an active approach to better back health.
Contact Us…Website: www.smartstrong.co.uk
Friday Nov 22, 2019
Low Back Pain Treatment
Friday Nov 22, 2019
Friday Nov 22, 2019
Back pain is the second most common cause of complaint in GP practices and the global incidence of back pain is on the rise. It’s now estimated that 80% of the global population will experience an episode of low back pain at some point in their lives! So why is it that the incidence of back pain is on the rise? Should we be concerned about the sedentary nature of our lives? And what can we do to avoid it?
In this episode we discuss the key reasons why back pain is on the rise, and how sitting is having a major impact on our back health. We also discuss the impact of that the sedentary nature of our lives is having on the different tissues within the body.
For more episodes of the Back Pain Solutions podcast visit: www.smartstrong.co.uk Don’t forget to subscribe so you can receive updates on new episodes and direct links to additional content.
If you’re suffering from back pain, want to improve your posture, or want to build resilience to future injury then you’re in the right place. Join us and take an active approach to better back health.
Contact Us…Website: www.smartstrong.co.uk
Friday Nov 22, 2019
Slipped Disc Treatment
Friday Nov 22, 2019
Friday Nov 22, 2019
The intervertebral discs can be considered ‘spacers’ that are present between each vertebral body of the spinal column. Each disc is comprised of tough rings of fibrous tissue called collagen. In the centre of each disc is contained a nucleus which is a gel like material, which is under pressure, and gives the disc the ability to bend. The intervertebral disc is an important structure, and vulnerable to injury, so it’s important to understand what activities can injury this structure, and just how you go about fixing it.
In this episode we discuss the common mechanisms behind injury to the intervertebral disc, and highlight the activities that are contributing to the problem. We discuss how a single event rarely causes injury but that repetitive actions are often the culprit, and what we need to be aware of to fix the underlying issue. We discuss how a ‘passive’ based approach to disc injury management WILL NOT solve the damage, without a consideration for daily spine hygiene and active rehabilitation.
For more episodes of the Back Pain Solutions podcast visit: www.smartstrong.co.uk Don’t forget to subscribe so you can receive updates on new episodes and direct links to additional content.
If you’re suffering from back pain, want to improve your posture, or want to build resilience to future injury then you’re in the right place. Join us and take an active approach to better back health.
Contact Us…Website: www.smartstrong.co.uk
Friday Nov 22, 2019
Why does my lower back hurt?
Friday Nov 22, 2019
Friday Nov 22, 2019
The global incidence of back is on the rise, the number of people suffering over the longer term is increasing, and there is no single approach to curing back pain. However, back pain always has a cause, and if we can successfully teach people to understand their backs, and know the likely cause then we can help them to work their way out of pain, build strength, and get back to the activities they love.
In this episode we introduce Smartstrong and we discuss the motivation behind starting the podcast and the website.
For more episodes of the Back Pain Solutions podcast visit: www.smartstrong.co.uk Don’t forget to subscribe so you can receive updates on new episodes and direct links to additional content.
If you’re suffering from back pain, want to improve your posture, or want to build resilience to future injury then you’re in the right place. Join us and take an active approach to better back health.
Contact Us…Website: www.smartstrong.co.uk